
The Alde 3030 and Alde 3030 Plus have identical interface panels. The Alde 3030 Plus is the latest model featured in the Cirrus 920 and TAB 400. The Alde 3030 is standard in most 2025 nuCamp models. 

If you have an older nuCamp RV, you can upgrade to the Alde 3030 or 3030 Plus through the nuCamp service center. The new Alde 3030 Plus increases water heater size from 8.5L to 10L and provides continuous hot water with a 20% increase in capacity, allowing for longer showers.

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Getting Started with the Alde 3030 Plus Panel

1. Understanding the Standby Screen

  • Displays indoor temperature via a probe sensor.
  • Right corner: Date and time (adjustable by selecting it).
  • Left corner: Plug icon indicates shore power connection.
  • Bottom section: Energy settings for choosing a power source.

2. Selecting Power Source

  • 1 kW setting → Use when plugged into a 15-amp outlet.
  • 2 kW setting → Use when at a campground with 20 or 30-amp hookup.
  • Gas setting → Turn on or off as needed.

3. Prioritizing Power Source

  • Second page of settings → Choose which power source to prioritize.
  • If connected to shore power → Prioritize electricity to conserve propane.
  • If boondocking → Prioritize gas to save electricity.

4. High Altitude Mode

  • For elevations above 3,000 ft, turn on High Altitude Mode when using propane.

5. Adjusting Hot Water Settings

  • Hot Water: Turn on or off.
  • Boost Mode: Increases hot water for 30 minutes, then returns to normal.
  • Auto Boost: Enables the system to automatically switch in and out of boost mode as needed.
  • Recommendation: Turn on Boost Mode before showering.

Advanced Settings

6. Night Mode

  • Automates heating settings during nighttime.
  • Left time: Set when night mode begins.
  • Right time: Set when night mode ends.
  • Days of the week: Select specific days to apply settings.
  • Indoor temperature setting: Choose the desired temperature for night mode.

7. Day Mode

  • Works similarly to Night Mode but applies settings for the daytime.

8. AC Integration

  • If your Truma air conditioner is installed, the Alde system integrates seamlessly.
  • In the Cirrus 920 (which features the Truma Aventa), you can adjust AC settings through the Alde panel.
  • Press Menuto access temperature controls:
    • Large number → Desired temperature.
    • Gray number above → Actual interior temperature.
    • Blue fan icon → Adjust fan speed.

9. Additional Settings

  • Pump: Used for service purposes; keep off.
  • Delayed Start: Schedule the system to turn on/off at a specific time/day.
  • Sensor Calibration: Adjust if probe sensor is inaccurate.
  • Temperature Unit: Choose Celsius or Fahrenheit.
  • Display Brightness & Sound: Adjust screen brightness and enable/disable sound.
  • Language: Change language settings.
  • Service Information: View glycol temp, water temp, and error codes for troubleshooting.
  • System Configuration: Displays installed accessories (e.g., Cirrus 920’s booster fan).


These are the primary features of the Alde 3030 and Alde 3030 Plus. For more details, refer to your Alde manual. If you need assistance, email

Thank you and enjoy your nuCamp RV experience!