The subject of lithium is a little gray since the older units would not be equipped for lithium from factory. 


Technically, lithium batteries would work with older units but the Power Centers that were used in pre-2022 units were not running at the right voltage to fully charge a lithium battery – we believe it will charge a lithium battery to around 80%. You will need to upgrade the charging system on the unit to properly use lithium. 



Lithium batteries should be charged using a LiFePO4 compatible charger. A Sealed Lead-Acid charger may work, but will reduce performance and lifespan of the battery.


The  WFCO Power Center charging circuit on the pre-2022 units would be considered a Sealed Lead-Acid charger.


On the 2022 model year units, we switched to a power center that is lithium compatible. Your dealer will have info on pricing and they would be the ones to install it if you would like to upgrade to this power center on the older models. 

This is a great question for the online community forum or Facebook groups, where owners who have used Lithium can offer comments / suggestions based on their experiences. Link below: