In the event that you see an Error Code on your Alde Control Panel, here are the codes and their meanings.

Low Battery: 12V supply to hydronic heating system hasdropped below 10.8V, possibt)' causing system brownout

This message clears automatically when the current reaches 11V. If the voltage decreases, various error messages can also appear. These arenot actual faults.Ensure that the furnace has the right voltage. 

Fan restarts: Incorrect fan speed. A new start attempt is made. Repeated faults result in "fan failure." If "fan failure" recurs after resetting, contact a dealer. If "fan restarts" is displayed, no action is necessary.

Gas failure: Out of gas or gas is not igniting. Check that the gas cylinder is full. Try a different gas cylinder, ensuring it is propane gas. Check the gas regulator and that any isolation valves are open and not frozen. Ensure that gas is available.

Overheat red fail: Overtheat (red cable). Bleed the system of air. Check the fluid level in the expansion tank. It should be approx. 0.5 in (1 cm) above the Min mark when cool. Check that the circulation pump is responding. Wait 15 minutes for the fluid to cool down. This fault can arise if the hydronic heating system is run at high power at the same time as there are air pockets in the heating system; the hydronic heating system should then be vented properly. If the fault recurs, contact a dealer.

Overheat blue fail: Overheat (blue cable).

Overheat PCB: Failsafe in the hydronic heating system has been triggered. Check the fluid level in the expansion tank. It should be approx. 0.5 in (1 cm) above the Min mark when cool. Check that the hydronic heating system comĀ­ partment is ventilated and that the vents areunobstructed. Do not stow itemsin the hydronic heater compartment.

*Window open: Optional window sensor has been triggered; gas heating is suspended. This message clears automatically and gasheating resumes when the window is closed.

Heater not found: Break in comms between the Aide control panel furnace. Check the cable between the Aide control panel and the furnace.

3rd party C. fail: Communication fault between Aide's panel and external panel.

Panel failure: Moisture is trapped in the control panel. Remove the Aide control panel from the vehicle and air it in a warm, dry place overnight.

Red connection failure: Problem with the red cable or red contacts. No communication is available with 3020 furĀ­ nace, AJC or iNet.

Yellow connection fail: Problem with the cable between the Aide panel and the Cl master panel or its connectors.


To reset some of the faults and reboot, close the furnace from the control panel and disconnect the 120V to the vehicle and disconnect 12V from the furnace.